Samprity Rohingya Response Project

Funded by : DO BEFORE ( Do First for the Refugee)

Project Goal: Children physical & mental growth with creative education and nutrition interventions

Objective :

  1. To Ensure Early Childhood Development of vulnerable Rohingya Children with protection from abuse and exploitation.
  2. To promote mental health of Children through creative education and counseling
  3. To ensure education of host community children and protect them from all sorts of sexual harassment , abuse and exploitation.

Activities of the Project:

  1. Early Child hood Education through Early Learning Centre (ELC) inside the Camp.
  2. Provide Nutritional support to the Children during learning session .
  3. Conduct Parents meeting and provide counseling to parents about early child hood development.
  4. Training to the children to protect them from abuse and exploitation.
  5. School support to the children of host community and ensure they are growing with protection.
  6. Organize training workshop on Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse both in Rohingya children and host community Children.
  7. Prevent Child Marriage and ensure education for the girls.