Samprity Aid Foundation has been founded in 2020 with the commitment to serve the vulnerable and disadvantaged community for building an inclusive society free from discrimination and injustice. “Samprity” the name itself carrying the value of commitment and described the role of organization. Samprity is a Bangla word refers to “Harmony” in English and “Armonia” in Italia. The organization aiming to make an inclusive society with different intervention of Education & Training, Health & Disability Rehabilitation, Water & Sanitation, Youth & Adolescent Engagement, Climate Change Adaptation & Environment sustainability.
Samprity Aid Foundation adopted rights-based approaches in project implementation focusing human values. Our strategy is child Centre community development to make children as future change agent in the society and the state. Samprity Aid Foundation has started its journey with an intervention for for Speech and Hearing Impaired Children education and it has established a school named “Samprity Welfare School for Speech and Hearing Impaired Children(SWS-SHIC)” . There are 70 students got admission in the school and they are under care and education. Samprity aiming to expand its’ activities and want to serve in different area.
Program Implementation Approaches:
Samprity Aid Foundation believes in equal rights of every people and works for promoting rights and justice all human being. We apply rights based approaches in program implementation process as Samprity Aid trust the resource is for the people with the kind support of donors and sponsors, however they have rights to participate in project implementation. Moreover, every people have rights to food, rights to education, rights to receive health care, rights to shelter and Samprity Aid express solidarity with their rights.
Management Approaches:
Samprity Aid wants to walk together toward journey for humanity. Samprity Aid uses participatory management approaches and team will together take decision. Executive Committee will be the highest decision-making body and they will guide the overall management and mentor to the management team. Program Management Team (PMT) will form with all projects in charge and every operation related decision will be taken place in the PMT.