Bangladesh is the 8th largest country in the world in terms of
population. The current population of Bangladesh is 166,748,342
based on the latest United Nations estimates.
Youth Development
Samprity Aid Foundation is working for youth Development. Today we have above 21000 young beneficiaries. Samprity Aid Foundation considers youth from the age 12 to 25 years of old
The crucial stage of youth development is key to creating healthy adults who have maximum opportunity to be released from poverty and to impact their family, local community and beyond. That is why Compassion designs the efforts towards outcomes.
Samprity Aid Foundation desires the beneficiary youths will finish well as it refers to the programmatic outcome of the holistic development. That is why SAF is working through child development model for years to gain this achievement. The mission and vision are to release the children from poverty should be reflected as the children will become responsible and fulfilled adults to lead the nation.
This program is designed to ensure the age-appropriate interventions are available in SAF, local and national resources to support the development of youths in order to attain the program outcome in the contextualized ways. Each young person is exceptional and has unique needs and interests. The Youth Development Program is therefore going to ensure the empowerment and engagement of each beneficiary towards their development and finish well.
This program aims to address few of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) related with youth development; such as, SDG 1 which is no poverty and it is directly connected to Compassion vision statement, Goal 4 states about quality education and goal 8 states for decent work and economic growth, those are directly being addressed by Youth Development Program.
SAF has a track record of implementing youth capacity development programs including employment generation trainings, leadership training on social change, voluntarism and social action project implementation. We regularly organize leadership trainings and campaigns to engage emerging and willful youth throughout different programs we undertake.