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Disability Inclusion Strengthening Accessibility (DISA)

Funded by : Expanding civic space through active CSO participation & strengthened governance system in Bangladesh (ECSAP) Project

Project Goal:

Enhanced equal access to the services and capacited of the Persons with Disabilities to claim rights


  • To Strengthen capacity of our CSO and Speech & Hearing Impaired School for providing effective services
  • To sensitize service providers and local governance institutions to become proactive to and address the needs of persons with disabilities of Satkhira Sador Upazila.

Strategies of the project

  • Conduct training/ meeting with respective CSO staffs and volunteers to strengthen capacity and equipped speech and hearing impaired school for vocational training.
  • Provide training and capacity-building programmes for Children with disabilities to improve their ability and prepare them for future sustainable livelihood.
  • Organize workshops and community meetings to empower Persons with disabilities to voice their concerns, participate in local governance and hold authorities accountable.
  • Advocate for policy implementation at the local levels to address systemic issues related to disability inclusion in 2 Union & One Municipality under Satkhira Sador Upazila.

Direct Beneficiaries:

1700 Persons with Disabilities and Care Givers/Family Members will get direct benefit from the project.

Outcomes of the project

Outcome-1: Enhanced capacity of CSOs, Service providers and Institute works for Disability rehabilitationto provide effective services such as health, education, employment, vocational training  to the Person with Disabilities (PwD) at Labsha Union in Satkhira district

Outcome-2: Increased awareness and proactive engagement of service providers and local governance institutions in addressing the needs of persons with disabilities in Satkhira Municipality, Labsha and Nagorghata Union in Satkhira district.

Outcome-3: Improved access to rights and essential services including referral services, linking vocational institute & employer of Persons with disabilities in Labsha & Nogorghata Union and Satkhira Municipality.

Outputs of the project

  • Conduct 12 meetings on access to services at municipality & union level. Meetings/Workshop held with local service providers & duty bearers conducted at municipality and union levels on  improving target communities’ access to services
  • Conduct 06 Union-level social audits/community scorecards on rights of disabilities
  •  conducted to assess the knowledge on rights of disabilities, community engagements and on the quality of services
  • Hold 31 awareness raising meetings on referral mechanism for VAW cases and linking youth with disabilities
  •  held  on referral mechanism for VAW cases and linking youth with disabilities with vocational institute & Employer at 2 unions and 1 Municipality
  • Conduct 1 dialogue session to promote legal services for the persos with disabilities
  •  1 dialogue conducted with  the members of District Legal Aid committees to promote legal services for the Persons with Disabilities

Description of activities

Output -1: 12 Meetings held with local service providers & duty bearers conducted at municipality and union levels on improving target communities’ access to services

  1. One (1) Project Launching Program with Government & NGO Stakeholders, DPO and Local Elected body to explain the project purpose and seek support from all stakeholders to implement the project effectively.
  2. One (01) District-level linkage-building /coordination meetings with district administration to create enabling environment for CSO participation (once in the project)
  3. One (01) Upazila coordination meeting with duty-bearers conducted by selected CSO/ sub-grantees.
  4. Eight  (8) quarterly lobby meetings at the union level to activate the legal aid committees and relevant standing committees and ensure effective participation by all mandated members
  5. Conduct One (01) two  days Organizational Development Training  for staff and EC members of Samprity Aid Foundation

Output -2 : 06 Union-level social audits/community scorecards conducted to assess the knowledge on rights of disabilities, community engagements and on the quality of services

  • Conduct 02 social audit/ community scorecards at the union level (twice during the grantee project cycle).
  • Conduct 02 Meetings on social audit/ community scorecards at the union level (twice during the grantee project cycle).
  • Conduct 02 Lobby meetings with Local Government Institutions (LGIs) for inclusive service provision.

Output -3: 31 awareness raising meetings held on referral mechanism for VAW cases and linking youth with disabilities with vocational institute & Employer at 2 unions and 1 Municipality

  • Twenty Four (24) Awareness raising meetings of communities on the process of legal aid referral mechanism.
  • One (01) capacity building training on strengthen referral mechanism of DPO for protection of PwDs from abuse & exploitation and Linking youth experiencing with disabilities  to the vocational institute and employer.
  • Four (04) Life Skills Development Training to enhance the adaptability capacity and ability to prevent abuse, exploitation and sexual harassment.
  • Two (02) International Day Celebrations with Persons with Disabilities, their Parents and Government stakeholders

Output-4: 1 dialogue conducted with members of District Legal Aid committees to promote legal services for the Persons with Disabilities

  • One (01) dialogue with District Legal Aid Committee and CSO members by the sub-grantees

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